General Membership Meeting - Christmas Party

  • 09 Dec 2019
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (MST)
  • Laurier Heights Baptist Church, 8505 142 Street NW, Lower Level

Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Library: CLOSED

Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.

Feature Artist:  Vicky van Andel


Our December meeting is going to be chock full of activities! Starting with our annual potluck appetizer & dessert meal.  Please mark plates that might contain allergens (nuts, gluten, etc.)  If you are not able to bring in a plate of goodies to share, a $5 donation to the kitchen is welcome to help pay for plates, cutlery and liquid refreshments.

Mini-art show and exchange.

You can bring in up to 3 paintings (non-framed) no larger than 5" x 7" and for each painting you bring in, you will receive a "lottery" ticket which will allow you to "win" the same number of paintings that you brought in. Each painting will be projected large onto the wall so all will enjoy this fun art show!

Monochromatic Watercolour Portrait Demonstration

Frank Haddock, ARTRA Art School

Bring a friend to this meeting as we are sure they will really enjoy the evening too!

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