Rayma Peterson Watercolour Workshop Deadline

  • 04 Feb 2019
  • 11:30 PM (MST)
  • Edmonton

RAYMA PETERSON – Ecological Watercolours

Saturday, February 9, 2019 / 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Signworks Plus  | 15607-100A Ave NW, Edmonton


SWCA Members: $55.00  /  Non-members: $70.00

Minimum participants: 10 / Maximum participants: 15

The workshop will focus on ecological watercolours. The subject matter should be a close up of one or just a few flowers/plants in a natural setting.

  • Artists should work with a small format, 9 x 12" as the maximum.
  • Artists should bring their own photos to work from but photos can be supplied if students desire. Please request with application.
  • A drawing of the composition should be completed before class so time can be spent on the painting.
  • Colour samples will be created to work from. Painting includes wet into wet, wet onto dry, glazing, drybrush, stippling and hatching to create a habitat painting.                    
For information about Rayma, visit https://raymapetersonart.weebly.com/about.html   

To REGISTER for this workshop:

Email Nancy Sorensen (click here) with your contact information. Please include the name of this workshop in your email.

Upon confirmation of your acceptance:

Mail your cheque to Society of Western Canadian Artists, Attention: Workshops Committee, c/o 15607 - 100A Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB  T5P 0L5 

OR cheques/cash can be brought to a SWCA monthly meetings prior to the workshop. 

Please make cheques payable to Society of Western Canadian Artists. 

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