Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
Library opens: 6:30 p.m.
Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
Featured Artist: Louise Bouvier
CRITIQUE ON STYLE / Rick Rogers, SWCA Signature Member
This evening's critique will continue our series on reviewing elements of the Jury for Status Score Sheet. This time, our focus will be on: Style.
Rick will give a short talk on the importance of style and what it means, followed by a critique on members' work that will focus on this important element. To enhance the critique, members are encouraged to:
1) bring two or three works with similarities in style to be critiqued together
2) bring two or three works with disparities in style to be critiqued together
3) bring a work that is in a style currently being developed, or continuing to explore
4) Or, if you just are having trouble with a painting you are working on, Rick can also provide a general critique on request.
For a copy of the Juror Score Sheet, click here. (You must be logged in as a member to access.)
If you are an Exhibiting, Associate or Signature member who has not won People's Choice in the last 2 years, you are invited to bring in 1 completed painting for presentation to the membership, to be voted on by all members. Winners will have their artwork displayed on the homepage of our website for one month, and also shown in our website's Featured Artists section.
This is a great opportunity to show your work – we all like to see what other members are doing … and you never know, you might win. There is a winner for every 3 paintings entered in Peoples’s Choice, up to a maximum of 5 winners per event.
See you all there!